About the Artist

Monique Johnson was born in Manhattan, New York with scoliosis and diastrophic dysplasia dwarfism — one of the rarest forms of dwarfism. From the time she was born, she has faced many obstacles and difficult circumstances that could have easily caused her to become discouraged. Instead, she chose to become quite the opposite by inspiring fellow students, professors, and community members with her incredible tale of perseverance. As a child, Johnson understood the importance of staying focused and passionate about being successful in life—placing education high on her list of priorities. At first sight Monique knew that people could automatically name several things that she could not do, but she wanted to show the many things that she could do.

Graduating high school with a 4.0 G.P.A., going to college was an easy decision for her- she was going. To attend college, Monique would need a part-time aide to assist with her day-to-day challenges. What she didn’t realize was the cost of such assistance. Johnson had taken art classes her junior and senior years of high school. “I’d never really had an interest in painting; I just thought it would be an easy course,” she admits. But after receiving praise for her first few pieces, Johnson realized that she was on to something bigger. She completed — and sold — nearly 40 paintings the summer after high school, and those funds, along with support of the faith community, were enough to cover the initial costs of an aide. In addition to two local news reports on her life, Monique’s story reached the world as she was featured on CBS Evening News with Katie Couric’s “Assignment America”.Since then, she has obtained her Bachelors Degree in Business Administration (Marketing) from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, graduating with high honors. Currently she is a second year law student at Elon University School of Law.

Monique’s drive does not stop at attaining success, however she has hopes to inspire others. “I realize that my accomplishments do not exist for me to become boastful, conceited, or arrogant. I am just a vessel used by God to show his power and love to the world. Additionally, I completely understand that without God, I can do nothing.” In her effort to motivate others, Monique has continued to further her education, paint, and has become a Motivational Speaker. “When speaking to my audience, I like to tell my story. My story plainly says that no matter what your circumstances or how you were born…you were born! Now what are you going to do with your life?”